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Work with us

It is also possible to cooperate with Život na Louce. We are happy to support large companies as well as clever unique people, for example in barter or any other form, it depends on the agreement. If you are interested in cooperating with us, write to

The meadow is open to any cooperation that has a benefit, such as the benefit of animals or the planet. It is such a cooperation that works with our idea of life. It can be practically anything.

If I had to describe a bit what this is mostly about, it's mainly these topics:

Veganism, ecology, handicrafts, zero waste . It can be food as well as dishes, cosmetics, cleaning products, books, clothes, building materials, hand art, just about anything.

If you would like to cooperate with Louka, definitely do not hesitate to contact to us.

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Products - food

The meadow is no longer "just" about animals, we want to share knowladge about how tasty and nutritious plant food is. That is why we also cook at Louka and like to promote plant products. The best for us is a personal meeting with plant food and this is exactly the opportunity we have here at Louka because ...

... Work events

During the year, we organize a lot of work events at Louka, which are attended by people (vegans and non-vegans) for whom we cook. Therefore, they can meet your product themselves, from which we will cook for them or they will get it as a snack.

... Teambuilding

Another way people can meet your product in person are teambuildings, which also take place in Louka. A group of people from a company decides to experience a few days with us, which together strengthens them as a team and at the same time they can experience something they have not experienced before. Again, we cook for people at these teambuildings. The big advantage is that most people are non-vegetarian and that is exactly what we need :-)

...Social media

Louka can offer another form of advertising and promotion in the form of advertising on Instagram on the page Luční kuchyně, Luční Dílnička or Život na Louce , on Facebook , on our website, and by sharing on the profiles of the meadow's inhabitants.

... Meadow Action

In addition to voluntary work, Louka also organizes its own events, mostly self-development weekends, but we plan much more. We also cook for visitors at these events.

... Experiences, private visits, private work events and more

In addition to these 3 main pillars of advertising, there are others, and there will be many more in the future :)

Louka can offer another form of advertising and promotion in the form of advertising on Instagram on the page Luční kuchyně, Luční Dílnička or Život na Louce, on Facebook, on our website, and by sharing on the profiles of the meadow's inhabitants.

Život na Louce

Contact information


Association president: Iveta Ondriášová

tel. +420732720132

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