Support us
Financial support
Your finances and the financial donations of other donors matter the most.
Thanks to you, we can save the animals, provide them with love and all the necessary care,
we can run our asylum properly. Thanks to you, we can change the world through our meadow.
Help here:
Professional help
If you know a specific skill, anything you want to share, your profession or just your hobby you're good at -
get in touch! If you believe we would welcome your skillset, don't hesitate to contact us
Manual work
The most common is participation in voluntary works, but it is also possible to visit us individually and help us when we need anything on the Meadow during the week, or just outside the regular events.
Lectures / Workshops
If you know something that people would be interested in, or you are looking for a place to make yourself known, Louka is a great place for you. We are looking for interesting people that
could organize lectures or workshops with us.
Material assistance
We always need a lot of things here, especially for animals.
Whatever you think might help us, just let us know, and together we can consult this option.
What we need the most:
-Pet food
-Fruits and vegetables
-Building material
-Screws, tools, etc.
Život na Louce
Contact information